Personal Umbrella Insurance
Do you own a:
- Home?
- Vacation home?
- Waterfront property?
- Swimming pool?
- Trampoline?
- More than one automobile or a luxury automobile?
- Power boat, Sailboat or Recreational Vehicle?
- Dog?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you may want to consider adding a personal umbrella policy to your insurance portfolio. You would be surprised at how little it will cost!
What Is Umbrella Insurance?
Umbrella insurance is a type of personal liability insurance that can be indispensable when you find yourself liable for a claim larger than your homeowner’s insurance or auto insurance liability limit will cover. If you own rental property, a boat or ATV, umbrella insurance can also pick up where your watercraft or ATV liability insurance leaves off. Umbrella insurance even covers certain liability claims those policies may not, such as libel, slander, and false imprisonment.
No one can predict what is going to happen, but everyone can prepare for what may happen. That’s what a personal umbrella insurance policy does for you. It provides an extra layer of personal liability in the event someone experiences an accident on your property, or you are the cause of an accident.
We’ll work with you to select the coverage for unpredictable incidents in your home or your car. The cost of a personal umbrella insurance policy is very small compared to the cost of not having coverage if needed.
How Does an Umbrella Policy Work?
Here are some examples of incidents an umbrella policy could cover if your
homeowner’s insurance or auto insurance wasn’t enough:
*Your dog runs out of the house and attacks a neighbor who was going for a walk. Your neighbor sues you to cover her medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
* You cause a 5-car accident and your auto insurance liability limits are not high enough to cover all 5 accident victims’ injuries..
* You send sandwiches to your son’s school for a field trip lunch. Several students develop food poisoning, and their parents sue you.
* Your teenager throws a party at your house while you’re out of town. Someone brings alcohol to the party, and one of the guests gets into an accident driving under the influence on the way home. You are sued.
Call us at (781) 646-9200 or Contact Us to find out more information on this valuable coverage.
Do you need insurance?

109 Massachusetts Avenue,
Lexington, MA 02420
Phone: (781) 646-9200
Fax: (339) 970-2248
Email Us
We are licensed in MA
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm