Are Snow Tires Right for Your Vehicle?

Are Snow Tires Right for Your Vehicle?

Around this time every year, my husband makes some sort of comment about snow tires. He usually brings it up when we’re talking about my concern for the road conditions. We’ve never used snow tires before, but that doesn’t stop my husband from...
Fire & Ice – Your Guide to Winter Preparation

Fire & Ice – Your Guide to Winter Preparation

Winter is coming and for homeowners this means being prepared for the utmost extremes, both the frightful and delightful! With beautiful blankets of white snow come picturesque landscapes, family sledding, and, well, the threat of ice dams. Ice dams form when the roof...
How to Operate and Use a Fire Extinguisher

How to Operate and Use a Fire Extinguisher

We should all have at least one fire extinguisher somewhere in our home, but it’s not enough to simply keep one under the kitchen sink. If there is a fire, your safety—and the safety of your home—depends on knowing how to properly use that fire extinguisher. As your...


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